Ok so it wouldnt be a pipe band without the bagpipes, and an instrument like this cannot be adequately surmised in such a short space!
The highland bagpipes are what carries the tune of the pipe band, they are unmistakeable, and are led by the Pipe Major whose role is to manage the musical direction of the whole pipe band. The Pipe major is typically in the front right corner position of the pipe band, where he organises his pipe corps into rows and columns for marching.
Pipe band snare drums are extremely highly tensioned, producing an extremely crisp and loud note that accompanys the bagpipes brilliantly. Also unlike most marching band drums, these drums feature snares on both the top and bottom head of the drum.
Or parade the snare drummers are usually in the back row of the band - but rumour has it that there may be a drum fanfare in the works which will see the snare drums take centre stage!
The whole drum corps, snare, tenor and bass, is led by the Lead Drummer.

The Drum major can be seen at the front of the band on parade, carrying the mace which is used to communicate directions and other commands to the band.
The Drum Major is also responsible for the 'drill' of the band, so helps the band members know when to start, stop, countermarch, form performing circles or other formations.
There is (usually!) only one bass drummer, and they are the beat at the very heart of the band performance. Producing a much lower 'booming' pitched note, produced with the big but soft bass sticks, the Bass drum is primarily there to control the band tempo, but on occasion also picks out features in the bagpipe or snare music to really emphasise a key section.
In the Cambridgeshire band, the big red drum features drumheads printed with the band logo, theres a picture of it on the "Contact Us" page, we think it is pretty cool!

The tenor drummers play a much softer drum, with soft sticks that produce quieter beats, but ones that add a really brilliant mid-range of rhythm emphasising notes sitting between the bass and snare drums. These drums come in a range of sizes, which can all be tuned to produce different notes.
Most excitingly, these drummers may add a impressive visual display to the band with expressive arm movements and even flourishing (stick spinning) which is certainly one of the most eye catching aspects of a band performance! On parade, they are likely beside or just behind the bass drummer, infront of the snare drums.