Birmingham International Tattoo - 2017
So for the second year, CCPB joined the massed pipes and drums at the Birmingham Intenational Tattoo - this time were one of the biggest bands present with 13 pipers and drummers attending - Ali even flew over from Belfast to rejoin us for the event! Check out the below video of the massed band spot and see if you can see us!
With over 1,000 performers – including international marching bands, massed pipes and drums, field gun racing, dog displays, the parade of massed standard bearers plus much more – the Birmingham International Tattoo is Britain’s biggest indoor event of its type.
Birmingham Tattoo - Rehearsals
Aside from the show itself, the tattoo takes a lot of rehearsal as bands come together from all over England to take part.
Along with Cambridgeshire Caledonian, the massed band comprises of members of The Seaforth Highlanders (Leicester), The Phoenix Pipes and Drums (Watton, Norfolk), The Bedford Pipe Band, The LRC Pipe Band (Leicestershire) The Nene Valley Pipe Band (Northampton), The Nottinghamshire Police Pipe Band, The Peterborough Highland Pipe Band, The Northampton Pipe Band, Stow Caledonian (london), Glenmorinstoun (Bury St Edmunds) as well as many other individuals and bands that I'll apologise now for missing out! For the tattoo, we all combine under the name "the Southern Highlanders Pipes and Drums." Through the year building up to the tattoo, we all get together to rehearse several times at RAF Henlow, here are some of the pics of pipe band folks, looking slighly more confused than normal, and certainly wearing less furry hats.... :)